folding (e)
Hermann Glöckner
tempera on paper
black and grey
h 63,5 / w 50,5
h 50,5 / w 36
Hermann Glöckner Folding, black and grey tempera on paper from 1969. Folding is the determining principle in the artistic work of Glöckner. This example comes in black and grey tempera on paper in a white wooden frame. The strict geometric structures in Glöckner's works are reminiscent of 1920s Russian Suprematism most famously represented by Kasimir Malewitsch. But constructivist Glöckner created an independent work with his panels. For eighty years he devoted himself to elementary questions of line, surface, color and space. His work is strongly linked with Wassily Kandinsky, El Lissitzky, Piet Mondrian and László Moholy-Nagy. Anton Stankowskis constructive graphic is also reminiscent of his approach.